back when i was a kid i did all kinds of things that i wasn't supposed to do. shoplifted, joy rode in stolen cars, ditched school and got real drunk and danced around the living room naked while blasting alice cooper, dropped acid, played around with heroin, the list is almost endless. these days i don't do any of that stuff anymore. well...i still get real drunk and blast alice cooper but now i dance sitting on a couch fully clothed.
the point being: i did stupid things, learned that they were stupid, and then stopped. IT'S JUST MY OPINION HERE but i think doing wrong things are a part of life. my parents didn't have a thing to do with it. they were "oldtimers" and "didn't understand" myself or my friends or our modern life style. what did they know?
sure. there are things that you should watch out for but maybe not all the time.
i'm really pissed off at this pc world that we live in. this idea that if we get rid of all the "bad" things everything will be fine. kids raised like that are going to grow up to be assholes that can't stand waiting in line, litter because it's too far to walk to the trash can, and think that just because they are on a cell phone that everybody else should shut up. they're going to be so "special" that they suck at being actual.
i check out chicks on line, don't want to have anything to do with child porn, and have no desire to meet anyone that i've spent time with in real life. the net and the sidewalk are two different things.
how come there are no shows about guys like me?
because nobody would watch, the ratings would dip, and they would lose millions in advertising dollars.
that's why.
learn to laugh at the media.
it's laughing at you...
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