July 03, 2006

Zombi 2

a friend (heather michelle) posted a couple of caps in her journal from a movie called "zombi 2", where a zombie fights a shark!


that's right!


'know what?

you can take your "who wants to be a heroin freak and finger barf backstage at a fashion show?" and "america's next artless pop robot who's working for the man", and "lemme fuck a rich guy so my friends will be impressed with me because i don't really understand love" and shove them up your ass!

fuck reality tv!

i want fantasy tv!

i wanna see sharks vs. zombies!
i wanna see vampires bowling!
i wanna see werewolves driving monster trucks!


a zombie bites a shark and it turns into a zombie shark and it attacks a beach in the summer and it bites a bunch of hot chicks who hitch hike on monster trucks driven by werewolves who crash into a bowling alley full of vampires and the building explodes and everybody dies except for the hot blond zombie beach chick (played by kaley cuoco) who loses her clothes and walks around slowly under the fire sprinklers for twenty minutes while soft jazz saxophone music plays and i ruin yet another pair of tube socks (if you know what i mean).


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