September 21, 2006


there's a movie coming out about world war one flying aces
i'm really curious about that
i fucking love dog fights with planes

planes fighting other planes?
guns firing?
all that chaos?
like in the end of 'a new hope'?
the trying for the exhaust port murder/death/kill/wrap the movie up/james bond thing?
i fucking love that shit!

in fact, that's a lot of why i hate the other star wars movies.

it's like,
beat the first one, mo-fo!
(or maybe the fourth one. at this point i dunno anymore)
when they go for the death star is the best stuff fucking ever, man!.

my point being:

i love seeing things flying around all askew
i love things blowing up
i love the madness of it
i love the crashes
i love the anti normal

it's soothing

i get calm

it's like watching the inside of my fucking head
from a distance;...

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