April 12, 2006


a guy goes to russia and, while taking in the sights he sees a stray dog. he asks around and the dog doesn't seem to have an owner so he decides to keep it. he doesn't know what to name it so he looks up and sees a street sign that says "ballzytch" so that's what he names the dog. he vacations all around europe and the last place he goes before heading back to america is england. he's standing on a corner and the dog runs out into traffic and WHAMMO! it gets creamed by one of those double decker busses. he freaks out and starts screaming, "OH! MY BALLZYTCH! OH! MY BALLZYTCH!".

an english guy who's on the way to work stops and says, "guv'nor? when my balls itch i scratch them."

hey, i was about 10 when i heard it and i fell off of my skateboard...


Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.