A lot of people (and I'm talking most of them here) have had pretty fucked up childhoods. They have to somehow deal with grownups who only have an average intelligence. The type of grownups who really don't listen to them because they are only kids. These kids are often told things like, "Because I said so.", "You wouldn't understand.", and, my personal favorite, "When you grow up you can be unfair too." These things are driven into their heads and, at some point their tiny minds snap and they figure, "Yeah! Once I get grown up I'll never have to be wrong and, anybody who ever tells me I'm wrong can kiss my fucking ass! I'll be all grown up!" It never occurs to them that most grownups are total assholes and that, therefore it would be really stupid to become yet another asshole, regardless of their neurotic need to never have to ever feel bad or wrong again. It's a mind fuck pyramid scheme that never gets broken because it feeds on itself. It becomes its own get out of jail free card. "I CAN'T be wrong because when I was younger I decided that once I got to this age I'd never have to be wrong and if I'm wrong then my poor little head would hurt and that would be way too wrong for me to deal with."
(read that more than once )
This, in a nutshell is why we have wars.
And why I really think that most people are fucking morons.
Aw, fuck it all.
What do I know?
I'm gonna start drinking...
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
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