April 12, 2006


Two polymorphs are having a spat. One is a male, the other a female. Things get more and more heated until the chick takes a cheap shot at the guy.

"You know", she says, coldly, "being a polymorph I don't understand why you don't have a bigger dick!"

"Well", he answers, "if it bothers you that much why don't you just make your pussy smaller?"

She screams at his rudeness and beats him to death with a floor lamp.

At her trial she is found not guilty and cleared of all charges and, after a huge bidding war The Lifetime Network pays her twenty million dollars for the rights to her story. The TV movie ( "I Beat My Hubby To Death With A Floor Lamp: One Woman's Story") is one of the highest rated in the history of all time.

And she lived happily ever after.

The End

(for Mr. Mike)

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