i'm walking down the street, listening to "sgt. pepper's" and there's these piano movers hoisting a full sized grand piano into a window on the twenty-seventh floor of an office building
it's a pink enameled piano. the white keys are black and the black keys are pink
the cable snaps and, just as the piano in the song hits that really long note at the end of the "pepper's" album
i get crushed before i even know it
i'm liquid!
on the news that night a guy in an oingo boingo t-shirt says
"well, i didn't really see it happen but it sounded fucking amazing!"
i really want to die this way
i honestly want it to happen
and the fact that it never will will be proof
cold, hard, scientific proof
after my death
that new age people don't have a clue
about what they are talking about
1 comment:
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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