April 12, 2006


i feel connected
is a small
yet moving way
like threads
(or whatever)
little tugs
flashes of light
notated moments
written thoughts
captured images
spanning miles
flying through phone lines
splashing on screens
electric life
and all of that
it's not so easy to explain
and i'm not bad with words

i've heard it said that being on line is false
that it has nothing to do with real life
that you don't have to deal with other people
and that it's stupid and empty

it's like having someone who only listens to mozart
telling you that the beatles suck
having a thought is one thing
backing it up with knowledge is another

then again
i'm just stating feelings here
thare's a pretty good chance i have no idea of what i'm talking about at all
clocks tick
and the world spins
and i'll post something different tomorrow


joe rossi said...

hey man.. welcome to Blogspot, manzz.

Cat A. Waller said...


i'll try not to spill anything.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.